Realtime Manufacturing Services: Order CNC Turned & Milled Parts Online

You need a CNC milled or turned prototype of your product or a small series to start with. Ideally, this should be delivered quickly and at a reasonable price point as well as reliable in terms of time. LPS Bossard Real Time Manufacturing Services ( RMS ) offer you this possibility. Upload your CNC 3D data to the online platform and receive a real-time price quote with a delivery date. Your data is processed immediately, analyzed, and you can order it to go into production directly. LPS Bossard supplies you with the finished CNC parts of your prototypes and small series to make your development processes plannable and reliable. Order Turned and Milled Parts Online: How It Works 1. Register on our Realtime Manufacturing Services platform 2. Upload your 3D data to the online portal ( *.sat, .*sab, *.stp, *.step ) 3. Specify your product requirements 4. Check and confirm all specification...