You Should Be Taking Advantage of Industry 4.0: Here’s Why

You may have heard the term Industry 4.0 bandied about in the media about factories and production lines like yours. You’re wondering how it affects your processes and whether you can take advantage of it to improve your productivity. At Bossard, we can help. What is Industry 4.0? Industry 4.0 stands for the next trend in the manufacturing industry. The first industrial revolution or Industry 1.0 happened in the 18th century when waterpower improved mechanical production. Then came Industry 2.0, which relied on electrical machines and the division of labor. Industry 3.0, which is where we are today, automates production with IT and electronics. We’re now heading into Industry 4.0 . The Industry 4.0 definition consists of smart factories with automated production and smart technologies that exchange data among devices. This trend includes the Industrial Internet of Things, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, sophisticated sensors, and advanced robotics. Like the ones ...