Expert Education – Become an expert in fastening technology

 LPS Bossard Expert Education

Develop internal knowledge and skills in tailor-made training sessions about engineering principles, applications, fasteners, and assembly technology. Moreover, the E-Learning portal offers you exclusive access to a wide range of questions relating to fastening technology, with the opportunity to learn at your own pace and your own convenience.

As an engineer, you are the key to a safe and reliable product. Gain in-depth expertise of fastening technology to start improving your products today. Benefit from different formats of customized learning. In in-person seminars you benefit from a hands-on practical approach. Interactive learning with webinars can be conducted easily at our desks. The same goes for the E-Learning portal: Visit the well-illustrated lessons as often as you like, from anywhere and at any time. Additionally, benefit from our expertise right now. Explore our technical information and tools to discover a wide range of fastener know how, calculators, converters and more.

Gain all relevant knowledge in assembly technology.

  • To design your product with the right fasteners
  • To optimize your production for a lean manufacturing process
  • To choose the most economical choice of fasteners
  • To meet the highest quality standards

Our seminars suit different skills and industries:

  • Basic and technical introduction to fasteners
  • Securely fastened joints
  • Focusing on corrosion
  • Cost savings
  • Fastening Qualification VDI/VDE 2637
  • Fasteners for different market segments, like automotive, construction, electronics, food, medical, robotics and trains

Expert Education - How does it work?

Did the Bossard Expert Education spark your interest? Learn more about seminars in our brochure.


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